International Preschool Curriculum

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An international curriculum based on the California Framework and tested and revised over a period of 6 years. The curriculum is methodology-independent, teacher-friendly, and is structured yet flexible.  


Curriculum Design

A high quality curriculum encourages children to learn for themselves and that has been Liberty's goal since inception. The curriculum is designed to introduce language arts(listening, speaking, comprehension), beginning mathematics, and includes science in all levels. Other domains are introduced but we suggest that curricular decisions take into account behavior and learning needs, linguistic and cultural backgrounds, as well as teachers’ prior training and experience and need for ongoing professional development. 

Student-Centered Learning

“Student-centered” refers to a wide variety of methods and approaches intended to address the learning needs, interests, or cultural backgrounds of individual students and groups of students. To accomplish this goal educators and specialists employ a variety of methods, from modifying instructional strategies to entirely redesigning the ways in which students are grouped and taught. Liberty Education’s curriculum provides for this type of flexibility in that it is appropriate as a ‘core’ curriculum or that can be integrated (or segregated) from other themes and domains depending on needs and circumstances.


“Teacher-friendly’ in our context means the curriculum is uncomplicated to implement. If teachers do not have an educational background that provides a foundation in child development or early childhood pedagogy, a curriculum can be difficult to implement. Thus, in situations where teacher experience is lacking then a ‘scripted’ curriculum can override such difficulties by providing clear directions, examples, and sequences that are to be used by all teachers and for all students.   This method assures that all development goals and academic domains are covered by the teacher.


Nursery Education

Nursery education is the very beginning of learning how to learn.  Attention is paid to delivering what is developmentally appropriate for each child in a supportive manner. Beginning mathematics and language skills are presented with no "pressure to perform." This is when learning is fun.

Two titles:

  • Phonics
  • Mathematics for Nursery

Attention is paid to nurturing the young students with the aim of developing curiosity and a love for learning.


Pre-K continues at the basic skills building level in preparation for kindergarten.

Two titles:

  • Phonics: English Language Arts and the Introduction of Number Concepts
  • Beginning Mathematics

Children are introduced to building early reading and writing skills while building vocabulary. Problem-solving is introduced including concepts relating to numbers, shapes, colors and mathematics.


The goal in kindergarten is to establish a level of academic skills and understanding that will be the foundation for future success in primary school and beyond.

Two titles:

  • Phonics: Beginning Reader
  • Continuing Mathematics

Students start reading using the blending of phonetic sounds. Phonetic skills are further reinforced in the learning process as writing/composition skills are introduced, vocabulary is developed, and spelling is emphasized.

The mathematics skills of the children are taken to the next level of difficulty, continuing the number concepts learned in the pre-kindergarten years.


For those students who are not yet ready for primary school, Prep provides the needed additional education in the core subjects of language and mathematics. Prep also introduces the student to science including health and the natural world.  

Three titles in preparation for elementary school:

  • Phonics, An Introduction to the English Language
  • Elementary Mathematics
  • Science and Health, Exploring the Natural World

Prep prepares the student for a more rigorous and in-depth academic experience. In addition to enhancing language skills and mathematics, the student is also introduced to science. The aim of Prep is to  prepare the student for success in primary school and beyond.


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